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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The latest public transport cutbacks in Auckland (thank you National)

I want to pay homage to whatever idiots have agreed to the axing of bus routes throughout central Grey Lynn and central Auckland. I choose not to drive and choose not to own a car so that my environment is not damaged or polluted any more than it has to be and my supposed reward for that civic contract is supposed to be a transport system that can transport me.

That civic contract has become a joke under the new public transport cutbacks, with one new route in particular that demands as much contempt as can be vomited upon it. The horrific new inner city red bus link has replaced all other buses traveling up queen street to Krd and begins in the tourist centre of the waterfront, meaning that by the time it arrives on Queen st, it is already packed with tourists, leaving no room for locals.

These new cutbacks mean buses are so packed and inconveniently infrequent that NZ Bus has finally managed to achieve that golden moment in Auckland Public Transport madness, services so bad, that people choose not to use them.

Bravo, NZ Bus, bravo.

Most Governments use an event like the Rugby World Cup to upgrade their public transport, not degrade it. I foresee 'Auckland transport is shit' becoming the highest trending tweet on twitter as overseas visitors are welcomed to the hate crime that is public transport in NZ.

That said, it is nothing compared to the issues facing the Christchurch whanau.



At 30/8/11 10:04 pm, Blogger be.fre said...

Bomber, New Zealand's public transport is a 'joke' - and not the funny variety either.

In the 1970s I visited my parents' homeland in Eastern Europe. Despite never having visited the capital city before, I found their system of buses, trams (yep, they still had them), light rail/underground Metro, and heavy rail incredibly easy to use. The service was fast, reliable, dirt-cheap, and very well patronised.

I could navigate my way across an alien city of two million people, with a Street Map detailing the stops and routes of every public transport vehicle, easier than I could drive across Auckland in my own car. (Got horribly lost. Ended up in Chile's Andes, I think.)

Until this country takes public transport more seriously, we will continue to have this mess.

And National: stop f**king privatising public transport!! Private owners ran NZ Rail into the ground, during their 15 years tenure of ownership!!

At 31/8/11 10:57 am, Blogger Hans Versluys said...

The new routes were designed by Auckland Transport, not NZ Bus.
Walking up Queen St is good exercise!

At 31/8/11 10:58 am, Blogger Hans Versluys said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5/3/13 6:45 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

The Govt of NZ should must improve the transportation system in Auckland.The all transportation services should checked their services and hire the fully trained and well-experienced drivers for their services to improve Auckland transportation.Auckland transportation

At 14/6/13 6:28 pm, Anonymous Sydney airport transfer said...

I really do love being a long bus driver because you are like a second parent, a hero in a way to this planets new generation of successors.Long bus is very important role in country.so keep it up nice information in article.


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